Thursday 27 August 2015

As SharePoint developers, we can get the chance to write the workflows for the business needs. As we have lot of options to deal with workflows. We also have the option to write these workflows using SharePoint designer (SPD). So let’s have a look what are the available options (Actions, conditions, etc.).

The following features are available in the SharePoint 2010 Workflow platform:
·         Actions:
o    Stop Workflow
o    Capture a Version of the Document Set
o    Send Document Set to Repository
o    Set Content Approval Status for the Document Set
o    Start Document Set Approval Process
o    Declare Record
o    Set Content Approval Status
o    Undeclare Record
o    Add List Item
o    Inherit List Item Parent Permissions
o    Remove List Item Permissions
o    Replace List Item Permissions
o    Lookup Manager of a User
o    Assign a Form to a Group
o    Assign a To-Do Item
o    Collect Data from a User
o    Start Approval Process
o    Start Custom Task Process
o    Start Feedback Process
o    Copy List Item
·         Conditions:
o    If current item field equals value
o    Check list item permission levels
o    Check list item permissions
·         Steps:
o    Impersonation Step

By using these available features we can full fill the business needs and develop the workflows. We will look into some details description about these features later some time.