I had a requirement that to show the list in the collapsible manner(Expand/collapse by click on the + sign).I thought to use javascript/jquery, but later on i have decided to do it using SPD and make use of list settings.Here the technique.
To build the ListView in the collapsible manner, Open
SharePoint designer and create page and place the empty data view web part.
By clicking on the “click here to
select data source” select the list and from the right panel just drag and drop
fields on the data view.
Now just comment out the headers of
the columns as shown below.
Then click on the “Sort&Group”
option from the ribbon of designer under the “Options” tab, select the Field
from the Available fields and click on Add then select the “Ascending” from the
sort properties , in group properties select “Collapse group by default”, click
on OK.
Then copy the XSLT between the tags
of <XSL></XSL> and save it as a XSLT file and upload into the site.
By adding the list view web part (same
list which you used in the dataview) on the page and edit the web part and give
this XSLT link and click Ok. Now it appears as desired in collapse and expand
Collapsible list view using XSLT in SharePoint 2010